
PCI MPoC: Build It or Use It?

PCI MPoC: Build It or Use It?

Should you build your own MPoC Solution, or partner with a third-party MPoC provider? This white paper provides a detailed analysis to guide payment companies through this complex ...
Post-Quantum Cryptography for Embedded Systems: Standards, Performance, and Secure Implementation

Post-Quantum Cryptography for Embedded Systems: Standards, Performance, and Secure Implementation

In this whitepaper, we explore the challenges associated with adopting post-quantum cryptography (PQC) in hardware for resource-constraint devices (embedded and IoT), along with recent ...
Don’t Get Knocked Off the Curve: An Overview of Fault Injection Attacks on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems

Don’t Get Knocked Off the Curve: An Overview of Fault Injection Attacks on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems

Elliptic curve cryptography has many security applications, from internet traffic to embedded devices. This guide provides an overview of fault injection attacks which target Elliptic Curve ...
Professionalizing Fault Injection

Professionalizing Fault Injection

Fault Injection can be a tedious task. In this whitepaper we explain how professional tools improve FI (Fault Injection) test results.
Automotive Security Checklist

Automotive Security Checklist

Our experts curated a list of the most essential considerations for better security of your automotive development.
Securing Embedded Devices: 9 Considerations for Success

Securing Embedded Devices: 9 Considerations for Success

We curated a list of the most essential security considerations that we recommend when beginning to incorporate security into your embedded devices. 
Exploring genomic sequence alignment for improving side-channel analysis

Exploring genomic sequence alignment for improving side-channel analysis

Abstract: Side-channel analysis (SCA) extracts sensitive information from a device by analyzing information that is leaked through side channels. These measurements are correlated with specific ...
Forgotten Essence Of The Backend Penetration Testing

Forgotten Essence Of The Backend Penetration Testing

At Riscure we have observed many severe security issues exploited by hackers even in previously certified solutions. In recent years, certification, which aims to minimize security risks, has ...
Whip the Whisperer: Blackhat 2022

Whip the Whisperer: Blackhat 2022

Cryptographic side channels are well-known and understood in the industry. There are also many countermeasures against side channels to reduce the leakage risk. However, many implementations in ...
Security Highlight: Is AI ready for finding security vulnerabilities?

Security Highlight: Is AI ready for finding security vulnerabilities?

Big Sleep's breakthrough in discovering an SQLite vulnerability demonstrates how AI can reduce the opportunity window for attackers, marking a new era in vulnerability research.
My Internship at Riscure: Tristan Démare

My Internship at Riscure: Tristan Démare

In this blog post, Tristan Démare shares his internship journey at Riscure.
The State of AI in Device Security

The State of AI in Device Security

We asked our experts to share their view on AI in device security and how this technology is currently being utilized at Keysight.
Security Highlight: China’s Quantum Leap, and Why RSA Isn’t at Risk (Yet)

Security Highlight: China’s Quantum Leap, and Why RSA Isn’t at Risk (Yet)

Recent headlines suggested that Chinese scientists have the potential to break military-grade RSA encryption using quantum computers, causing concerns over online data security.
Reducing Signal Noise for Precise Triggers & Filtering in Side-Channel Analysis & Fault Injection

Reducing Signal Noise for Precise Triggers & Filtering in Side-Channel Analysis & Fault Injection

Discover how Riscure's Transceiver refines signal clarity and boosts the precision of Side-Channel Analysis (SCA) and Fault Injection (FI) triggering.
Security Highlight: Side-Channel Vulnerability in Infineon Cryptographic Library

Security Highlight: Side-Channel Vulnerability in Infineon Cryptographic Library

Reading the EUCLEAK paper provides a detailed journey through the ups and downs of carrying out a blackbox attack.
My Internship at Riscure: Gabin Le Saout

My Internship at Riscure: Gabin Le Saout

In this blog post, Gabin Le Saout shares his internship journey at Riscure.
Understanding Device Security: What We’ve Learned at Riscure

Understanding Device Security: What We’ve Learned at Riscure

In this blog, we ask our experts how they define device security, and as they shared their thoughts, several common themes stood out.
Security Highlight: Backdoor Key Found in MIFARE Classic Cards

Security Highlight: Backdoor Key Found in MIFARE Classic Cards

A recent discovery by security researcher Philippe Teuwen and the Proxmark3 community has revealed a significant backdoor in several widely used MIFARE Classic RFID cards.