Secure Application Programming in the presence of Side Channel Attacks
16 Aug, 17 | Technical
This paper introduces a collection of secure programming patterns for security critical devices. These patterns help developers to mitigate the risk of side channel attacks.
Practical steps to evaluate and protect Secure Boot
13 Jul, 17 | Business
This paper reveals common weaknesses in Secure Boot implementations and proposes practical steps to enhance security of this critical element of an embedded system.
Fuzzing is a dynamic security testing method that has been a hot topic lately. In theory, it allows to automate vulnerability finding: you set it up once and then run continuously, in order to ...
Ronan Loftus is a Senior Security Analyst at Riscure. Ronan joined us in 2017 when Riscure was a much smaller company. Since then, Ronan has been working on various software security testing and ...