Hardware-backed TEE technology plays a fundamental role in enabling secure mobile solutions in the financial ecosystem. Thanks to hardware-backed TEE technology, like Trustonic’s TEE, apps are protected even if an attacker obtains root privileges on the mobile device. This enables solution providers and smartphone vendors to effectively secure key features such as PIN entry, Biometric authentication and financial transactions in both the payment and acceptance domain.
Riscure actively supports SoC and TEE vendors to achieve the highest levels of security and compliance with requirements from the payment industry. The acquired EMVCo certification helps Trustonic to showcase the security of its TEE OS and gives OEMs and mobile payment providers confidence in the security robustness of the solution. Riscure with its team of highly specialized and committed security experts guides partners to enable support for technologies such as TEE, cloud tokenization, tokenized payments, secure PIN entry for mPOS solutions, and biometric CDCVM on COTS mobile devices.
You can find the official announcement from Trustonic here.
“Hardware-backed TEE technology plays a big role in enabling the mobile financial ecosystem to mature and achieve its potential,” comments Tim Hartog, Director, Mobile Payments at Riscure. “Having worked with Trustonic in the past years assessing the security of their TEE OS, we are proud to have supported Trustonic to achieve this milestone of the world’s first EMVCo SBMP TEE security certification. This certification again confirms the high quality of Trustonic’s TEE solution.”
Dan Rawlings, CCO, Trustonic adds “Trustonic technology is already protecting payment solutions from small startups to some of the largest mobile payment providers. This certification confirms that combining software and hardware-backed security delivers the most robust security and enables developers to build compelling new trusted user experiences.”
About Riscure
Founded in 2001, Riscure is a leading global advisor on the security of connected and IoT devices, as well as a recognized vendor of advanced security tools and security training. Riscure helps customers around the world to build robust hardware and software solutions and to speed up the process of secure development and certification. Riscure serves Semiconductor, Mobile and Electronic Payment, Automotive and Premium Content industries as well as Government sector. Riscure is headquartered in Delft, The Netherlands with offices in San Francisco, USA, and Shanghai, China. If you are interested in applying Riscure experience to your TEE, IoT or embedded device project, please get in touch with us via inforequest@riscure.com.
About Trustonic
Trustonic’s mission is to embed the best security into the world’s smart devices and apps, empowering mobile and IoT developers to build the trust required to deliver simple, fast and secure solutions.
The Trustonic hardware-backed security platform is embedded in 2 billion devices, including those from Samsung, Nokia, Motorola, Vivo, OPPO, LG and Casio. Trustonic’s mobile app protection solutions secure critical apps for banks, fintechs, payment providers, cryptocurrency platforms, automotive manufacturers, mobile network operators and government bodies, including Samsung Pay, Cartes Bancaires, Alipay, WeChat Pay, Hyundai and Volkswagen Group.
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