Assessment of risk for remote bricking, theft of services, attacks to backend through client devices, upgrade without paying, and reputational damage, DRM liability or MovieLabs requirements breaking.
While the servers and backend infrastructures are periodically pen-tested, the device/STB/SmartTV/connected home network and device security are often overlooked. The pen-testing of the backend considers just the general attacker profile while neglecting the potential security breaches and costs coming from the devices/media specific applications.
As the market leader for the security of embedded devices, Riscure has knowledge and expertise ranging from holistic device security (Android TV, other OSs, networking and secure boot) to hardware security and Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) security. Riscure can answer most of your security concerns about device security. Furthermore, we offer our services as well as training and consulting during development. There is no alternative in the MSO market that can deliver the years of experience and expertise in the security field.