
Demystifying Secure Development for Devices & Apps

Demystifying Secure Development for Devices & Apps

Riscure worked together with Trustonic to accumulate the essential knowledge about secure development of mobile applications.
Security Pitfalls in TEE Development

Security Pitfalls in TEE Development

This paper describes an outlook of the most important future TEE security topics.
Attacking AUTOSAR using Software and Hardware Attacks

Attacking AUTOSAR using Software and Hardware Attacks

This paper describes several scenarios how software and hardware attacks can compromise the security of AUTOSAR-based automotive ECUs.
Hardening Secure Boot On Embedded Devices for Hostile Environments

Hardening Secure Boot On Embedded Devices for Hostile Environments

We present an approach for secure boot design, which can be used as a starting point for a complete hardened secure boot solution.
PEW PEW PEW: Designing Secure Boot Securely

PEW PEW PEW: Designing Secure Boot Securely

We present our vision on secure boot design for embedded devices by means of clear, concrete, practical and easy-to-follow recommendations.
Secure Boot Under Attack: Simulation to Enhance Fault Attacks & Defenses

Secure Boot Under Attack: Simulation to Enhance Fault Attacks & Defenses

This talk presents a fault simulator created using existing open-source components and without requiring a detailed model of the underlying hardware.
Security implications of accepting transactions on smartphones

Security implications of accepting transactions on smartphones

One of the most exciting innovations in the payment chain for retailers today is the potential of utilizing commercial-of-the-shelf (COTS) smartphones for Point-of-Sale terminals, also known as ...
Extracting and Analyzing Automotive Firmware Efficiently

Extracting and Analyzing Automotive Firmware Efficiently

In this paper we discuss hardware attacks, like fault injection, which can be used to efficiently extract automotive firmware from secured ECUs.
Side-channel based intrusion detection for industrial control systems

Side-channel based intrusion detection for industrial control systems

Research paper written by Pol Van Aubel and Kostas Papagiannopoulos from Radboud University, Digital Security Group; Lukasz Chmielewski from Riscure; Christian Doerr from Delft University of ...
Demystifying Secure Development for Devices & Apps

Demystifying Secure Development for Devices & Apps

Riscure worked together with Trustonic to accumulate the essential knowledge about secure development of mobile applications.
Security Pitfalls in TEE Development

Security Pitfalls in TEE Development

This paper describes an outlook of the most important future TEE security topics.
Attacking AUTOSAR using Software and Hardware Attacks

Attacking AUTOSAR using Software and Hardware Attacks

This paper describes several scenarios how software and hardware attacks can compromise the security of AUTOSAR-based automotive ECUs.
Hardening Secure Boot On Embedded Devices for Hostile Environments

Hardening Secure Boot On Embedded Devices for Hostile Environments

We present an approach for secure boot design, which can be used as a starting point for a complete hardened secure boot solution.
PEW PEW PEW: Designing Secure Boot Securely

PEW PEW PEW: Designing Secure Boot Securely

We present our vision on secure boot design for embedded devices by means of clear, concrete, practical and easy-to-follow recommendations.
Secure Boot Under Attack: Simulation to Enhance Fault Attacks & Defenses

Secure Boot Under Attack: Simulation to Enhance Fault Attacks & Defenses

This talk presents a fault simulator created using existing open-source components and without requiring a detailed model of the underlying hardware.
Security implications of accepting transactions on smartphones

Security implications of accepting transactions on smartphones

One of the most exciting innovations in the payment chain for retailers today is the potential of utilizing commercial-of-the-shelf (COTS) smartphones for Point-of-Sale terminals, also known as ...
Extracting and Analyzing Automotive Firmware Efficiently

Extracting and Analyzing Automotive Firmware Efficiently

In this paper we discuss hardware attacks, like fault injection, which can be used to efficiently extract automotive firmware from secured ECUs.
Side-channel based intrusion detection for industrial control systems

Side-channel based intrusion detection for industrial control systems

Research paper written by Pol Van Aubel and Kostas Papagiannopoulos from Radboud University, Digital Security Group; Lukasz Chmielewski from Riscure; Christian Doerr from Delft University of ...