Home Device Security Bulletin: the latest Riscure updates

Device Security Bulletin: the latest Riscure updates

Riscure shares knowledge. Every month, we send a Device Security Bulletin. You probably wonder: what is Device Security Bulletin, and why should you follow it?

Security Highlight – the star of Device Security Bulletin

Every bulletin starts with a Security Highlight blog post. In these blog posts, Riscure security experts reflect on the recent industry updates or news. Not only do they help to understand readers what these news mean to them, but they also suggest possible solutions and action points.

Device Security Bulletin keeps you updated

As with many other companies, Riscure is always busy with new projects. Developments and events. We know that sometimes it can be hard to keep up with the news. To make it easier for you, we summarize key news and updates in Device Security Bulletin. These updates include:

  • Events and webinars hosted and attended by Riscure worldwide
  • R&D in forms of blogs and publications
  • News about collaborations
  • Stories of Riscure employees

We want to improve

We are always looking for feedback from our readers. If you want to share your opinion with us, please, send it to us at inforequest@riscure.com.

Recent Security Highlights

Security Highlight: Evil Never Sleeps

Security Highlight: Evil Never Sleeps

Recently, Apple introduced a useful but potentially dangerous feature to its iPhones. Most of us would assume that a phone becomes inactive when switched off by the user or, due to low power. ...
Security highlight: Attack Stepping Stones

Security highlight: Attack Stepping Stones

Experienced hackers know that successful exploits usually require a series of vulnerabilities, the stepping stones. The combination of these vulnerabilities enables the attack path, and all of ...
Security Highlight: Risks of chip shortage

Security Highlight: Risks of chip shortage

The global chip shortage is leading to a variety of issues in electronics supply chains, from lead times of over two years to ten-fold price increases. Riscure has seen examples of such ...